Ever since I was a child, I have always loved being outside and admiring the world around me. I found a way to combine my love of this and my artistic abilities to create a passion about the intertwining connection of the art and science world. This helped me guide my career path. I received a BFA in Biomedical Art and Visualization at Rowan University. My experiences and collaborations in and outside of school have further enhanced my artistic, technological, and communication skills. I would like to refine these skills and develop new ones.
In the process of obtaining my FAA's Part 107 Small UAS Rule Drone Certification License.
Publications/ Productions/Awards
Veterinary Book Publication
Senior Dogs: The Essential Guide to Maximize Quality Time With Your Best Friend by Theresa W. Fossum, DVM, MS, PhD, Diplomate ACVS and Sean Ford, BS, 2023
Featured illustrations
Scientific Journal
New Vertebrate Microfossils Expand the Diversity of the Chondrichthyan and Actinopterygian Fauna of the Maastrichtian–Danian Hornerstown Formation in New Jersey
Co-Author With Zachary Boles, Paul V. Ullmann, and Ian Putman, Joseph T. Deckhutt , 2024
5th Dimension Laboratories (2022-)
Co-Founder of biological/artistic laboratory. Presented posters at Biomedical Engineering Society Conference and University of Pennsylvania’s Singh Center for Nanotechnology Annual User Meeting, 2022
Labyrinth: The Roots of Life
Solo Exhibition and BFA Thesis based on the connections of life on earth focusing on an anatomical perspective with use of technology. Collaborated with Anthropologists, Paleontologists, and Geologists, 2022
Rowan University’s Radio Television and Film Festival
3D Animation Nominee, 2022
Biomedical Art and Visualization Department Publication
Feature, Rowan University, 2022
Rowan University’s The Gallery Publication
Feature, Rowan University, 2020, 2022